
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

 This is our LAST day in the States, and we fly out to South Africa in just a few hours. It has been such a wonderful time in Georgia, connecting with so many friends, hanging out with family, and enjoying our first WHITE Christmas! Emi had so much fun here – especially with her grandparents and cousins. She has grown up a lot here – in the last 2  1/2 months she has learned to walk, then run, then climb; to say lots of new words, and to make a ton of animal sounds too! We want to thank all of you for showing us so much love and hospitality while we were home. So many of you have also graciously continued supporting us, and we say again that we couldn’t do this without you.
This will be our last blog from AIM. Our two year commitment has ended, and we are now being sent out  by our good friends at SERV ( We will hit the ground running, and will be  joining forces with Global Challenge ( as soon as we get there. We’re very excited about helping to train these young leaders as they serve orphans and other needs around the globe. Jodi will be working in a local community center with orphans and refugee children, and she’s very excited to be a part of that.
Please pray for our safe flight (and equally important a peaceful flight for little Emi as 17 hours is a long time for a toddler to be still!). Please pray for us as we will also be finding a rental house and moving in the first 3 days we arrive, right before training starts. 
We love you and appreciate your partnership with us in making a huge difference in orphans’ lives! We hope you have an amazing New Year and that 2011 is FULL of love, joy, and the awesome peace of God in the midst of whatever you’re going through.
Marius, Jodi and Baby Emi
p.s. My new blog updates will come from [email protected] or [email protected], as we will no longer use our adventures (AIM) email account, so be on the lookout. I will send same blog from the new account so you can see the new format.

10 responses to “Goodbye USA – Goodbye AIM”

  1. Travel mercies to you all. How wonderful it was to have you in GA but the time went toooo fast. I am sure the grandparents feel the same way! Prayers go with you to South Africa. Keep us posted!! Just got my new Mac set up and downloaded Skype so call me sometime! I need to find out how it works 🙂

  2. I can’t get over HOW much Emi looks like her mama. So precious. Certainly will be thinking and praying for you guys as you transition and move. I love to hear what is happening in your lives and through your lives in Swaziland.
    Jode….we are going to be in the same continent in a few weeks. We are going to Brian’s wedding in Port Elizabeth!!!

    love you so much,

  3. It was good to get the report of your time in the states – what a fun time celebrating the season with so many family and friends! Cory and Meagahn and the kids came out from Oregon on the train so all our kids and the grandkids were with us. It was such fun being with Cory’s kids whom we see only a couple times a year so I can well imagine how much your parents enjoyed this holiday with you guys and especially Emi.

    We will be praying with you as you begin your new adventure with Jesus and SERV. May you all find great joy in your lives!

    Gordy and Renee

  4. You will be missed but we’re excited to hear more as the journey continues – safe travels and hope to see you on the other side!

  5. It was so good to see y’all on Christmas Eve and to meet sweet baby Emi! Jodi has a mini-me for sure! 🙂 My thoughts and prayers are with you for your journey and your upcoming adventures with SERV. Can’t wait for updates on how things are going! God speed. xoxo

  6. We miss you already! What a BLURRRRRRRRRRRR!
    Wow – has Emi grown up already in just these few weeks, she looks so mature! I love that she will always know the Love of Christ for the orphans and hungry!!! What a blessing! Praise GOD for His awesome challenge to you to expand into training and still feeding. We love you and will continue to lift you up!!! Love, Laura, David, Nikki & Karah KELLY

    p.s. Keep a U.S. goodies box LIST started when you get settled and email me so I can get the Trinity gang shopping!!!
    Tell me how/who will be going over so I know the deadline as you learn of it… Love, Lk

  7. Sorry I did not get to say good by! It was so good to be with you during your time home. Let me know about the biscuits! Happy New Year in South Africa. I will keep praying. Love, Marty

  8. Love you guys and I’m so glad we were able to get to know y’all while you were still with AIM in Swaziland. Hopefully, we’ll meet again one day on that beautiful, African continent.

    With prayers and blessings,

  9. Hey Deetleefs! I would love to follow you on your new blog, so please email it to me if that’ is how you are doing it!