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That has been the question for the last 23 weeks of our lives, and we finally have an answer………….The Dr. says it’s going to be a GIRL! We are absolutely thrilled and can’t wait to meet this new Deetlefs chick! Just 4 more months until we get to hold her. She is kicking and punching her mommy daily, and Marius even got to feel her strength the other day. So, so cool………

Several of you have asked if you can mail things to Swaziland for the baby, and it’s not really a good idea because of the postal theft rate here. The good news is I’m coming home on August 5th for 2 ½ weeks. So, if you would like to mail something or (if you’re in GA) drop it by my parents – their home address is below.  Just remember if you want to send clothing, the seasons are exactly opposite here – so her birth date should be around Nov. 16th, and that is our summer.  Your coldest month is our hottest one, etc.

Johnny & Cheryl Stancil
896 S. Main St.
Jasper, GA 30143

I have the opportunity to send a few bags with an upcoming team who is coming to Swaziland, so my mom and I are even going to shop for a stroller while I’m home (because they are $400-$600 here!). Everything is more expensive because it’s all imported – even diapers are twice as much. So, Target and Wal-Mart are calling my name when I get home.

I look forward to seeing you soon. If there is any way to come to the church in Marble Hill, GA or in Whitefish, MT – it would be a super way for you to see some pictures and hear some new stories of what we’ve been able to accomplish so far here in Swaziland. The numbers to call for directions and times of services are in our last blog. Please come see me.

Lots of love,

…….. Stay tuned for an upcoming blog from Marius about “A Man Named Enoch”……..

13 responses to “Pink or Blue?”

  1. YEAH!!!!! I am so happy for both of you. And I have to admit, I had a sneaking feeling it was a girl! Go GOD! What a blessing! Little girls are so precious. (Not that boys aren’t), but they sure know how to wrap their daddy around their little finger. Just wait! We are so excited! Can’t wait to see you all…soon, I hope.

    Love you

  2. Hey guys, congrats! I know you’ll love your wee little bundle of joy! Such great news!!! 🙂

    By the way – cloth diapers are a GREAT option over disposable – we use Bumgenius one-size, which grow with the baby. They are a little bit of an investment up front, but save you TONS over the entire diapering time. Look them up online – they’re wonderful, and not hard to fit into your routine.

    We really would love to see you guys – we’ll try to make it to one of the churches- we love and miss you both tons, and can’t wait for you to meet our little Hayden!

  3. Congratulations to both of you and may the baby girl be as blessed in Gods’ work as the both of you have been. If people only realized that the pleasure of helping others greatly surpasses any temporary pleasure from a new car, house, etc. As any Christian knows, your service to God and your fellow man will be greatly rewarded.

    Keep up the great work. We will pray that the baby girl is as beautiful as you and very healthy.


  4. Jodi and Marius:

    How very exciting to know that you are going to have a beautiful baby girl. The blessings of feeling your baby move within you, extends way beyond any human comprehension. We serve a God of Miracles, don’t we!!!!!

    Jerry and I congratulate all three of you, and look forward to hearing about the next four months of waiting.


  5. Yeah!! Girls are so sweet. Trinity Evangelical is already making plans for a warm welcome on August 8th. There will be room for all visitors, too, so everyone please come!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS – but don’t settle exclusively on a girl’s name quite yet, we’ve heard too many stories of the doctors getting the sex wrong. Looking forwards to seeing you next month. Only wish Marius could be with you.

  7. Hallo you three!!!

    Congratulations. I hope that you are enjoying your visit with your parents? Thanks for the updates.
    God bless all of you.

    Lots of love
    Hester(Havies’s wife)

  8. Hi beauty!!! I’m sooo happy for you. You look so beautiful!

    Okay, so I’m going to be OUT OF TOWN the first weekend in August (until Aug 9th). I don’t know your schedule between GA & the other state you’re visiting, but I wonder if I could see you either on a Thursday (cause I’m off work) or over the following weekend. Let me know and if it works out with your schedule I will make a special point to see you!!!

    Love you, always~

  9. Hi Jodi Marius,

    Wow! Baby-girl! I can’t wait to meet this little princes!

    About diapers do you have courage to try using cotton cloth diapers instead of disposable one? I did about 1 year or less. It was not too bad. Because new born baby needs to be changed diapers each time she does poo or pee, it is much better moneywise and also eco.

    If you are interested, just mail me. I will let you know how I did and even I can send you cloth diapers and covers. I used paper diapers only when we go out and night time.

  10. A baby girl…what wonderful news!! Jodi, you look great. Hugs to you both…or guess I should say you three!

    Love you much,

  11. yea! How exciting. Logan was born Nov. 26th so they will be about a year apart .