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When it Raineth it Poureth

Whew….there is a lot going on in the Deetlefs family. So, you have already heard about our car dying by the side of the road last week. Our mechanic says we may be able to sell parts of it for scrap and get a few bucks for it. Our friend in South Africa sold Marius’s motorcycle for him in 2 days! So, we are still without a car, but we are able to use one of the AIM cars for a few more weeks.
We came to South Africa to check out Emi’s chin with a dermatologist. She was born with a little bump on her chin, and we’ve been keeping an eye on it. She referred us to a plastic surgeon, and said that the polyp on her chin needed to be removed. The surgeon said it was growing rapidly and that she was concerned about it. So, little Emi had surgery on Monday and the polyp was removed from her chin and is at pathology now. She came through the surgery well, and her nervous parents were so relieved!
On the day of Emi’s surgery, I had an appointment with the knee doctor because my right knee has been hurting quite badly for the past 3 months. I was thinking “cortisone shot”, but after the exam he immediately scheduled arthroscopic surgery as there was a tear in my meniscus. (I injured my knee playing basketball back in high school and the doctor had to remove quite a bit of my meniscus then.) So, I had knee surgery yesterday, and spent the night in the hospital. That wasn’t so bad, but the surgeon came back to me today with some pretty bad news. He said that while he was able to fix the tear in my meniscus, there is considerable degeneration in my cartilage because of the years of wear and tear without a meniscus, and that sometime in the next 5-7 years, I will have to have a full knee-replacement! Crazy huh? A knee replacement at 41!! He says I have the right knee of a 65 year old – not the greatest compliment I have had lately.

It’s really crazy around here. But, in spite of the craziness, I still have peace. I really do. It’s unexplainable how much peace we have! We are really putting our faith in God, and learning to trust Him when circumstances are not going our way.

I just wanted to ask you, our dear friends, to please lift our little family up in prayer. Our Capital One card now has 2 unexpected surgeries on it, and we have about ½ the money that we need to get a car (the other ½ would have come from the sale of our Pajero).

 So, please pray, and if any of you has recently come into a windfall and you would like to make a donation towards the” Deetlefs Family Car Fund” it would be greatly appreciated. You can give online here on this AIM page under “support Marius and Jodi” tab. If you do send a gift towards the car, you need to send an email to our boss, Scott Borg ([email protected]), and let him know that we may use your donation towards the purchase of a car for us. We appreciate your prayers in this crazy time!                 

Lots and lots of love from Africa,

Jodi and the Deetlefs Gang


  1. With understandable sympathy. May God give speedy recovery to all and in all-health and finances. Blessings, Jill

  2. We will pray for you guys, and hopefully make a donation soon… Just can’t believe you are 41. 🙂

  3. Oh dear you girls are falling apart! And at such young ages. LOL Glad to hear you two are on the mend and may the Lord continue to bless your recoveries. Praying for you always. Will start praying for less rain and more wind.
    Love you guys,

  4. Oh man! We are praying hard for your circumstances and are so glad for modern day technology that we can know your news so readily. We love you and hope everyone will heal fast! jodi you may have a knee of an aged woman but you have young beauty inside and out! 🙂
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Dear Marius, Jodi and Baby Emi,

    What a precious picture of you two beauties!
    I am so grateful for the angel that the Lord sent to you on the road.

    I understand what a “Catalyst Shower” is for I have been in one for the past three years! So I am praying for comfort, healing and health, peace, provision, protection, and abundant fruit for you in this season.

    Three things the Lord keeps trying to teach me–
    1. Humility
    2. Dependence on Him for daily bread
    3. Thankfulness
    I hope I am learning!
    Love you guys and lifting you to Abba Father.

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